An internal view of the action of a Fazioli Grand Piano.
This instrument is one of the finest pianos in existence. Fazioli creat about 80 grand pianos a year, each one of them takes 8 years to make!
To take this shot I used a special 24mm probe lens from Laowa on a Lumix S1R.
Typically closeup shots like this have a very shallow depth of field. I wanted the entire photo sharp to I shot 71 photos, adjusting the focus slightly on each.
These were merged in a wonderful program called Helicon Focus. The result appears cavernous, almost like architecture. This is a simple optical illusion. We're so accustomed to seeing macro photos with a short depth of field, that when we see something that's sharp all the way through our brain assumes it's massive.
This is essentially the opposite of the tilt-shift-miniature effect that was so popular a few years back.
Many thanks to Sly's Pianos in Auckland for access to this extraordinary instrument.